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The Less Get Wasted Project

My name is Jesse and I make and sell art under the name Casualigraphy from my home studio in Somerville, MA. As a life-long dabbler, what began as a calligraphy and lettering venture, quickly expanded to include the informal study and accumulation of crafting skills.

With the accumulation of skills comes the inevitable accumulation of supplies and the subsequent waste. So I’ve decided to challenge myself to explore my creativity with a zero waste mindset and resist buying new supplies for as long as possible.

Through this project I hope to:

  • Lower my overall waste output

  • Come up with creative ways to extend the life of materials that usually find their way to landfills and our oceans

  • Try new DIY projects that bring sustainability to other facets of my life (like produce bags and wax wraps, etc)

  • Use up the abundance of stuff I’ve acquired over many many years

  • Make simple-to-follow tutorials so sustainability efforts are more accessible to all people

  • Have lots of fun

  • Sell some stuff

If I find that I need any supplies for a project, I’m only allowed to search free local sources like craigslist and “buy nothing” groups; secondhand art supply; and local thrift stores. Commissions outside of this project are excluded from these rules as any materials would be paid for by the client (although I’d still aim to be as sustainable as possible).

I’m excited to embark on this journey and am thrilled to have you follow along. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have ideas for projects!





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